Week 3 - Multi-Agent Systems, Memory, Learning ============================================================= .. note:: There is now an example implementation (which is hopefully bug free) of an agent using Nth order MC in the repository. The code is not fully documented, so find out the interesting parts yourself. `(agent code) `_ | #. Familiarize yourself with the example of an agent with a limited memory of artifacts it has most recently seen (see :doc:`mas_memory`). The next exercises are heavily based on it. #. **RETURN** In the example (see previous exercise), the memory model is a photographic (eidetic) one, holding the recently seen artifact instances as is. However, as you might remember from the Ventura's paper from the first week, it does not necessarily have to be so simple. Instead, it could change the representation of the artifacts as Ventura mentions in *memorization*, or even generalize the artifacts to more abstract representations as is the case with *generalization*. Give some examples of real implementable models that could be used as the memory of an agent (you can think of any models you have previously encountered, e.g. from machine learning or data mining). You can choose the domain of the artifacts and its restrictions as you see fit as long as you state them clearly in your answer. What pros and cons does your memory model have? Write your answer briefly (10-15 sentences). Additional notes: * The important functionality of the memory model is that it should be able to help in assessing the new artifact's novelty based on the previously seen artifacts. #. **RETURN** Use the memory model given in the example in your own code: * Adjust your agent class (the one with MC as the generative model) to use the :class:`ListMemory` in the same way as in the example i.e. use it to compute the novelty of an artifact and refactor :func:`evaluate` to take into account both the novelty and the value. Value function can be the same function you implemented the last week, or the (pseudo)likelihood. * Adjust your :meth:`ToyEnvironment.vote` to add the winner's of the vote to the domain as described in the example. * Add the memorization of both the agent's own artifacts and random domain artifacts to :func:`act`. Additional things to look at if interested: * Experiment with different memory capacities (between different societies or between different agents in the same society). Do you see any differences? #. **RETURN** Towards transformational creativity Background: In this exercise, we will implement a simple functionality which makes the agents adjust their generative model during their lifespan. This functionality could be stated to be the first step towards the transformational creativity (if we are pompous). The functionality is implemented by changing (or adding to) the inner Markov chain representation of the agent. Until now, the agents have only used constant state transition probability data structures, which have been given or learned at the initialization time, to generate new pieces of text. Now, we will change the transition probabilities based on observed instances of text. To implement this, we will go a step backwards and keep count of the actual number of each state transition (i.e. ``state_transitions`` in the first week's example) in each agent. That is, each agent should either learn the state transition counts (**not** probabilities) from the given file at initialization time, or they are given this data structure. Furthermore, each agent should have an access to simple function which then transforms these state transitions counts into probabilities. However, the state transition counts should be modifiable at all times (and new transition probabilities computable). We will update the state transition counts when the agent observes the domain artifacts in :func:`act`. In the example, agent has a random access to the previous vote winning artifacts (domain) which they currently only memorize into their memory model. To modify our generative model, we add to the agent's state transitions counts each state transition that is observed from the domain artifact. Then, we update the state transition probabilities based on the current state transition counts. Specification: Implement a method :meth:`learn(self, artifact)` in your agent class. The method takes as input :class:`Artifact` object, and updates the state transition counts with each state transition that is observed from the artifact (remember that the actual string was in ``obj`` attribute of the artifact object). Use appropriate tokenization method (depending on your MC implementation) to split the string first and then observe the state transitions from the tokenized string. The function (or some helper function) then adds these state transitions to your state transition counts. If new states and state transitions are observed, add them to the data structure as well. Then, compute the new state transition probabilities for the agent. Call this in :func:`act` for the domain artifact that was memorized (if there was any domain artifacts), before the agent invents new artifact. #. **RETURN** After you have built the functionality from the previous exercise, run the simulation for an agent population with at least two different sources of MC models. Observe if the transformational properties of the agents affect the agents liking of the inner groups (agents with the same starting MC model) or outer groups (agents with the different starting MC model) in the long run. You may have to run the simulation quite a long time (some thousands of iterations). What do you observe? State your findings briefly. You may use plots, images or other visualization methods (in fact you are encouraged to). Additional notes: * Splitting the long run into even length intervals and computing some aggregate measures from the voting behavior during each interval can be a good starting point. However, you may do the observations any way you like as long as you are able to extract some interesting bits of information of what happens in the society during the system run (if anything happens at all). * Try to be as elaborate as you can get in your observations. Why things happen or do not happen? #. **RETURN** Design and implement an agent interaction model, where agents ask directly others opinions about their artifacts and may take the information they see viable into account by modifying their generative model or evaluation function (or both). The interaction model does not have to be complex, and the rules when the agents learn something from the feedback can be simple. We have free rein of your own design! Write a short description of your model. Return both the description and the code. Additional notes: * There is now `a short example `_ of interaction between agents in the repository. * If your exposed services (the ones decorated with ``@aiomas.expose``) return arbitrary Python objects, you need to add a serializer for each object type in the environment. Serializer is a function which returns three elements: object, serializing method and unserializing method. Easiest way is to use pickle for the two latter ones:: import pickle from creamas import Artifact def get_artifact_ser(): return Artifact, pickle.dumps, pickle.loads Define the function above in its own module (e.g. ``serializers``), and then create environment using:: import aiomas from creamas import Environment from serializers import get_artifact_ser env = Environment.create(('localhost', 5555), codec=aiomas.MsgPack, extra_serializers=[get_artifact_ser]) Now your agents should be able to return :class:`Artifact` objects in their services. You do not have to create serializers for the basic types: str, int, float, etc. Examples: #. Ask opinion about the artifact they invented from a random agent. If agent likes (or dislikes) the artifact, update state transition counts (and probabilities) with the states of the artifact. Experiment with different thresholds for 'liking'. #. Same as above but also update agent so that it is more likely to ask opinion from agents that have given it positive feedback. Negative feedback may or may not change the agents preferences. #. Implement another agent class, :class:`LibrarianAgent`, that does not invent artifacts, but only memorizes artifacts from the domain. If the artifact memorized from the domain is very good (the agent should have notions of value and novelty), it spreads it to few random agents in the society. Put few of these agents into a society and remove other agents' access to the domain. What happens? Why?