1.1. Setup Development Environment

This page goes through basic setup of the development environment for Python. We strongly encourage the use of virtual environments (see below).


These instructions are made for Linux and OSX.

1.1.1. Installing Python 3.5.x

First, start by installing Python 3.5. The site offers installers for OSX and Windows. In Linux, follow the standard procedure as described in the README:

~$ ./configure
~$ make
~$ make test
~$ sudo make install


In case you want to install Python without root (to be used, e.g. in Ukko-cluster), use ./configure prefix=path/to/install/folder.

1.1.2. Creating a Virtual Environment

Virtual environments allow multiple Python installations with conflicting package version requirements, etc., to co-exist peacefully on the same machine.

Creating virtual environments in Python 3.5 is easy as it is a built-in feature. The script is called pyvenv-3.5 and it is in the bin folder of the Python installation location. Execute the script in the folder where you want your virtual environment to be created with the name of the virtual environment as the parameter, e.g:

~$ pyvenv-3.5 venv

And the script should do the rest. After the installation, you can enter the virtual environment by executing its activate-script:

~$ source path/to/venv/bin/activate

Now you should be able to enter Python 3.5 interpreter by typing python no matter what base Python you have installed in your computer.

To exit the virtual environment type:

~$ deactivate

1.1.3. Installing the Requirements

We have included the packages that are required by the examples and some convenience packages in requirements.txt in the github repository. Clone the github repository or download the file, and install these packages with pip once you have virtual environment active (virtual environment is bundled with pip by default so there is no need to manually install it).

~$ source path/to/venv/bin/activate
(venv) ~$ pip install -r requirements.txt


We may add additional requirements during the course. However, they should be clearly noted when needed.

1.1.4. Text Editor

Use your favorite text editor which has Python support. Some examples include: